Hey everyone!

I've been made aware of an issue at our regional sorting facility that lead to some of the orders I sent out in early to mid December not being flagged as 'Accepted' or receiving updates, despite being handed off to our local USPS team. The shipping date from our automated emails is always accurate - if I say I'm going to ship your order on a certain date, you can bet my life I'll ship it on that date, and these orders are no different.

From what we have been told, some of the larger packages (IE: 13"x19" Prints, or simply larger orders) which were dropped off on December 6th, 10th, and 13th, were never scanned for acceptance for some undisclosed reason, and instead were sent directly to the regional sorting facility. While the smaller orders are machine sorted, these orders are hand sorted due to the size of their packaging, and because of the lack of an 'Acceptance Scan' are currently being processed manually at a glacial speed as USPS has to figure out how they entered the system in the first place.

I'm working with our local team to try and get these packages moving as fast as possible, and hopefully they should be receiving accurate shipping updates in the coming days. I have already gone ahead and pre-emptively reprinted and repacked everyone's order that was affected as of today (12/17), however was advised by the local USPS team to not reship them as they would end up caught at the same bottleneck as the original orders. If somehow your order ends up lost, and doesn't arrive in the coming weeks after the holiday postal bottleneck clears, let me know and I will immediately run your envelope over to the post. I am eternally grateful that everyone who has reached out about this has been so understanding, especially during the busiest time of year. Y'all are the best.

Again, thank you for your patience,

Micah U.